5 Best Pitch Decks You Can Use to Secure Funding for Your Startup

A pitch deck is a presentation that you create to convince someone to invest in your startup. You can use it to secure funding, get partnerships, or land new customers. Your pitch deck should be clear and concise and tell a story about your business that is easy to understand.


This article will discuss five of the best pitch decks you can use to secure funding for your startup. But before that, let’s discuss the importance and benefits of using a pitch deck.

What should you include in your pitch deck?

Your pitch deck should include an overview of your business, financial situation, target market, and growth strategy. You should also include information about your team, product, and competitors.

1. The first step is to create an overview of your business. This information should include what you do, what problem you solve, and why you are different from your competitors.

2. The next step is to talk about your financial situation, which should include information about your revenue, your expenses, and your funding needs.

3. The third step is to discuss your target market, which should include information about your customers, their needs, and how you plan to reach them.

4. The fourth step is to discuss your growth strategy, which should include information about how you plan to grow your business, what milestones you need to achieve, and how much money you need to raise.

5. The fifth step is to talk about your team. This section should include information about who is on your team, their skills, and why they are the best people to help you achieve your goals.

6. The next step is to talk about your product. This section should include information about your product, how it works, and why it is the best solution to your customer’s problem.

7. The last thing you should include in your pitch deck is information about your competitors. This part should include information about who they are, their strengths, and how you plan to differentiate yourself from them.

How do you create a successful pitch deck?

Creating a successful pitch deck is about telling a story that investors will want to hear. Here are some tips:

1. Start with a strong opening that captures your audience’s attention and tells them what you do.

2. Focus on solving a problem that your target market has.

3. Outline your growth strategy and how you plan to achieve it in your business proposal.

4. Describe your product in detail and explain how it solves the problem better than any other solution.

5. Finish with a strong conclusion summarizing everything you have said and leaving your audience wanting more.

5 Best Pitch Decks You Can Use

1. The One-Page Pitch Deck

The one-page pitch deck is an excellent option if you want to keep your presentation short and sweet. This pitch deck typically includes an overview of your business, value proposition, target market, and financials. It should be easy for the reader to understand, and it should be able to be read in just a few minutes.

2. The Storytelling Pitch Deck

A storytelling pitch deck is an excellent option if you want to capture your audience’s attention. This type of pitch deck uses story-telling techniques to engage the reader and help them understand your business. It should include a strong introduction, a well-developed plot, and a compelling conclusion.

3. The Data-Driven Pitch Deck

The data-driven pitch deck is an excellent option if you want to make your case using data and analytics. This type of pitch deck includes data about your business, your market, your customers, and your financials.


4. The Investor Pitch Deck

The investor pitch deck is an excellent option if you seek investors’ funding. It should be clear and concise and show the potential for return on investment.

5. The Customer Pitch Deck

The customer pitch deck is an excellent option if you want to land new customers. This pitch deck discusses your business, product or service, target market, and value proposition. It should show how your product or service can benefit the customer.

How to follow up after your presentation

Be sure to follow up with your audience after your presentation. Thank them for their time, and be sure to answer any questions they may have. If you are seeking funding, include information about how they can invest in your business. And if you are looking for new customers, include information about how they can purchase your product or service.

Following up with your audience shows that you are interested in their feedback and committed to providing the best possible solution to their problem.

Pro tip

Organizational Chart Examples: The organizational chart is critical to any successful business proposal. It outlines the company’s structure and shows potential investors how it is organized. Use one of the organizational chart examples from Venngage to include in the pitch deck for your startup.

Creating great pitch decks can be daunting, but it is integral to your business proposal and securing funding for your startup. Head to Venngage today to get the best pitch deck template and create a winning presentation.

Devin Patel

Devin Patel holds a Master’s in Information Systems from Stanford University and has been a prominent figure in data analysis and information management for over 15 years. His articles simplify complex data concepts, making them accessible to a wide audience. His expertise lies in translating intricate data into actionable insights, assisting readers in navigating the digital landscape. He also mentors aspiring data professionals, guiding them in career development. An advocate for digital literacy, he volunteers in educational programs. Outside work, he is a great astronomer who enjoys exploring the cosmos' mysteries through his telescope.

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