What Are Some Fun Facts About Locust Trees?

Locust trees are special trees found in many places. These trees can be tall or not so tall, but they always attract people. These can be of different types with different advantages for each.

Here are some facts about locust trees that might make you smile. They grow very fast. They have unique and soft leaves and are used in many different ways because of their hardwood quality.

Another fact is that locust trees make tasty flowers. People can eat them. They taste sweet and yummy. Bees love these flowers, too, and make honey from them.

Fun Facts About Locust Trees

locust tree

1. Quick Growth

Locust trees grow fast. They can get very tall in just a few years. People like to use them for gardens because they grow quickly and look nice. These trees have green leaves and pretty flowers, making gardens look beautiful. Choose a locust tree if you want a tree that doesn’t take a long time to get big. Your garden will be nice and green in no time.

2. Thorns for Protection

Lots of locust trees have pointy things on their branches. These pointy things help protect the trees. They stop animals from eating the leaves and bark. This is how the trees stay safe. So, next time you see a locust tree, remember that those pointy things are good for tree protection. Nature is full of clever tricks.

3. Fragrant Flowers

Locust trees make lots of pretty-smelling flowers in the spring. These flowers smell nice and bring bees because they like the sweet smell and the sugary liquid inside the flowers. When the bees come, they help the flowers make seeds. So, the flowers are like a tasty treat for the bees, and they help the trees make more trees. It’s a helpful friendship between the trees and the bees, especially in the warm and sunny springtime.

4. Hardwood Quality

Locust tree wood is very strong and doesn’t break easily. People use it to make things like fences, outdoor tables, and even big boats because water doesn’t damage it. This wood lasts a long time, and it doesn’t get spoiled quickly. It’s great for outdoor stuff like chairs and tables in your garden. You can also use it to build strong fences around your yard. Some people even make big ships from this wood because it’s so tough. So, locust tree wood is a good choice if you want things that stay strong for a long while outside.

5. Nitrogen Fixers

Locust trees are special because they can take nitrogen from the air and put it in the soil. This helps the soil become better, which is good for plants around them. The trees make the soil richer, and this richness helps other plants grow. This makes the area where locust trees are planted a nice place for different plants to grow. So, having locust trees around can be helpful for the soil and all the plants nearby.

Different Types of Locust Trees and Facts About Them

1. Black Locusts

Black Locusts

Black Locust trees are special because they have beautiful white flowers in the spring. These trees grow quickly and can become very tall up to 80 feet. Many people use their tough wood to build strong fences and strong furniture. These trees are really useful.

2. Imperial Honey Locust

Imperial Honey Locust

Imperial Honey Locust trees have leaves that look like ferns. They give us shade with their wide branches. These trees grow well in many places. These big trees can be found in many areas, and they’re good at making shade with their wide branches.

3. Purple Robe Black Locust

Purple Robe Black Locust

Among the visual characteristics of locust trees, the Purple Robe Black Locust stands out with its enchanting purple flowers in spring. These aesthetically pleasing trees are a boon for gardens, attracting bees and enhancing the beauty of their surroundings with their vibrant blooms.

4. Bristly Locust

Bristly Locust

Prickly Bristly Locust trees are small but strong. They have sharp thorns on their branches to stay safe. Birds enjoy perching on their branches because they’re a good place to sit. These trees may be small, but they’re quite strong.

5. Skyline Honey Locust

Skyline Honey Locust

The Skyline Honey Locust trees have tiny leaves. These trees add greenery to cities and make them look beautiful. When autumn comes, their leaves change color to yellow. This upgrade brings a burst of color to the urban landscape, creating a lovely sight for everyone to enjoy.

6. New Mexico Locust

New Mexico Locust

Locust trees in New Mexico grow southwest of the United States. They have pointy spikes and stop the dirt from getting washed away. The wood they have is tough and hardy. These trees do a good job in the region, especially when keeping the soil in place.


Locust trees are beautiful trees. They’re not like regular trees. As we have seen above, there are some fun facts about them. Locust trees grow super fast. You plant a tiny tree, and it grows big in no time. Locust trees bloom with beautiful white or pink flowers. Bees love them, too.

Also, locust wood is tough. People use it to make strong things like fences and furniture. It lasts a long time. Locust trees also help in fixing the soil. They put nutrients back in the ground, making it better for other plants. And they can survive in all kinds of weather, even in hot or dry places.

So, the next time you see a locust tree, remember how amazing they are and how they help our nature, too.

Quinn Roberts

Quinn Roberts, with a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science from the University of Washington, has been a nature enthusiast since childhood. With over a decade of experience in environmental research, Quinn's work has been pivotal in understanding ecosystem dynamics. Joining our team in 2019, Quinn has enriched our platform with insights into natural landscapes and sustainable practices. When not working, he loves hiking and photography, capturing the serene beauty of the wilderness.

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