How to Choose The Correct Houseplants

Choosing the correct houseplants for your home can be a daunting task. Not only do you have to worry about the plants’ care and maintenance, but you also need to take into account the climate and environment of your home. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to choose the right plants …

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Diversity of Pothos: A Guide to Epipremnum Kinds

Types of Pothos Plants

With the scientific name Epipremnum aureum, Pothos is a popular houseplant known for its versatility and low maintenance. It’s also referred to by other names in different countries, such as Scindapsus aureus and Rhaphidophora aurea, though it’s important to note that these are distinct species. This article will explore the various Epipremnum kinds or types …

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Ruby Ball Cactus Care: Guide for Growing Colourful Grafted Cactus

Moon Cactus Care

Moon Cactus or Ruby Ball Cactus is a cactus species from South America. The scientific name of Moon Cactus is “Gymnocalycium mihanovichii”. It belongs to the kingdom of Planate. In general, the moon and cactus have different sizes and heights. But they stop growing further once they reach 10cm in height. The average height of …

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The Poisonous Plants to Avoid While Hiking 

The Poisonous Plants to Avoid While Hiking 

People would love to get some free time apart from their daily usual lives to experience something out of their book and to interact with their friends and family more in that free time, there are so many activities to do in the free time including picnic, movies and going on a hike. Hiking is …

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Types of Jade Plants (Crassula) 

Types of Jade Plants (Crassula) 

Anyone obsessed with plants would be ready to grow them both outdoors and indoors. Plants enhance the beauty of a house indoors just as they do out in the garden. Also, growing plants inside the house are quite trending today. There are various plants that people love to grow indoors, and Jade plants are just …

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