Earthy Potatoes

Let’s join David at his potato packing factory in Lincolnshire to find out where potatoes come from

How do potatoes get from the field to our forks? Potato expert David takes us along the journey from seed to delicious dinner.


Key learning points are:

  • How potatoes grow
  • How potatoes are harvested
  • The different types of potatoes
  • The history of potatoes


Pupils will also get the chance to ask David questions about why potatoes are so tasty.


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The Online Field Trips are a great way for pupils to see how different foods are produced and supplied without leaving the classroom.

Cheryl Miller

Class teacher, Niddrie Mill Primary School

Watch videos from this episode

Earthy Potatoes with expert David in Lincolnshire

Come with us on an Online Field Trip to a potato packing factory in Lincolnshire to discover how spuds are grown. 28 minutes

Activities for this video

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Earthy Potatoes: how are potatoes grown?

Find out how potatoes start life underground before being picked for us to buy in the shops. 2 minutes

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Earthy Potatoes: getting ready for the store

Learn how potatoes are cleaned, sorted and packaged before hitting the shelves. 4 minutes

Activities for this video

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Earthy Potatoes: varieties of potato

Potatoes come in all different shapes and sizes. Find out about the different varieties and why a sweet potato is not actually a potato. 4 minutes

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Earthy Potatoes: from field to fork

Who knew potatoes hibernate? Learn how those yummy spuds get from the farm to the factory to our plates. 3 minutes

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Earthy Potatoes: how do potatoes grow?

Find out how potatoes are grown in the field. 2 minutes

Activities for this video

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