Spoken language
I can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch by responding to literal, inferential, evaluative and other types of questions, and by asking different kinds of questions of my own
- I can convey information, describe events, explain processes or combine ideas in different ways
- I can compare and contrast a society in the past with my own and contribute to a discussion of the similarities and differences
Art and design
- Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design
Design and technology
- When preparing and cooking a variety of foods, I am becoming aware of the journeys which foods make from source to consumer, their seasonality, their local availability and their sustainability
- By investigating food labeling systems, I can begin to understand how to use them to make healthy food choices
- To extend my mental map and sense of place, I can interpret information from different types of maps and am beginning to locate key features within Scotland, UK, Europe or the wider world