Bumpy beany dip with homemade tortilla chips

Age group:
7-8 years
Food group:
Meat, fish, eggs, beans

In this delicious recipe, kids aged 7-8 years will work with lots of ingredients. They will learn to press garlic, juice lemon and mash all the food together into a bumpy dip, as well as to prepare tortilla chips with a little adult help.

This toolkit contains a recipe, along with ideas about how you could include it in your lesson. Take a look at the recipe below and refer to it alongside the teaching resources.

The cooking skills and recipes have been developed in collaboration with the British Nutritional Foundation.

Bumpy beany dip with homemade tortilla chips
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Available Teaching materials


Working scientifically

Asking relevant questions

Setting up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests

Reporting on findings from enquiries, including oral and written explanations

  • The recipe requires the tortilla to be cut into eight pieces, brushed with oil and baked at 200 ͦC / gas mark 6 for approximately five minutes.
  • Use this as the basis for a scientific investigation if you are able to split the cooking experience into three or four groups. If this is not possible with your resources, produce the end results at home and then share them with the children so they can compare it with their predictions. Stress the importance of varying one condition only at a time.
    • Change the temperature – higher, then lower, but keep the time the same.
    • Vary the length of time – longer and shorter, but keep the temperature the same.
    • Keep the tortilla whole, or cut in half (not eighths). Ask if this makes any difference.
    • Keep the temperature and time the same, but don’t oil the tortilla.
  • Ask the children to predict their results before they do the experiment, then record what happened, and why. How was this different from their prediction?




WALES: Using all their senses; they should be encouraged to enjoy learning by exploration, enquiry, and experimentation, asking questions and trying to find answers. They give a simple explanation, based upon their everyday experiences, for their findings and suggest what they could have done differently to improve their findings

SCOTLAND: Through experimenting and carrying out practical scientific investigations and other research, children: ask questions, carry out experiments, observe, collect, measure and record evidence, present and report on findings

NORTHERN IRELAND: Asking questions about why things happen. Selecting most appropriate method for a task. Using a range of methods for collating, recording and representing information. Selecting, classifying, comparing and evaluating information. Recognising a fair test

Animals, including humans

Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition and that they cannot make their own food, they get nutrition from what they eat

Ask the children to research online and in the library for different types of bean and their varying nutritional values of protein, fat, fibre and calories. There are many useful online sites; try 

Type of bean






461 kJ/109 kcal




Butter beans

340 kJ/80 kcal




Kidney (brown) beans

343 kJ/81 kcal




Green lentils

439 kJ/104 kcal




Pigeon peas (dahl)

496 kJ/117 kcal




Red kidney beans

370 kJ/87 kcal




White (haricot) beans

398 kJ/94 kcal





  • Ensure that the children understand that each of these things, (energy, protein, fibre and fat) is important to our diet, and that they must be in the right proportions.


WALES: Develop an understanding that exercise and hygiene and the right types of food and drink are important for healthy bodies

SCOTLAND: Aware of different types of energy around them and can show their importance to everyday life and survival. Understanding that their body needs energy to function and that this comes from the food they eat

NORTHERN IRELAND: Being aware of how to care for his/her own body in order to keep it healthy and well, for example, talking about the foods which are healthy, by talking about the importance of regular exercise and physical activity


  • Garlic press

  • Juicer

  • Kitchen scissors

  • Mixing bowl

  • Masher

  • Spoon

  • Bowl

  • Baking tray

  • Pastry brush

  • Oven gloves


  • Beany dip - Step 1

    Peel and press the garlic. ADULT SUPPORT.

  • Bean dip step 1, 2 & 3

    Beany dip - Step 2

    Juice the lemon.

  • Beany dip - Step 3

    Snip the parsley leaves into small pieces. ADULT SUPPORT.

  • Bean dip step 4

    Beany dip - Step 4

    Tip the cannellini beans into the mixing bowl and mash them for 2-3 minutes until no whole beans remain.

  • Beany dip - Step 5

    Add the garlic, lemon juice and sour cream to the beans, and mix together.

  • Bean dip step 5 & 6

    Beany dip - Step 6

    Stir the parsley into the other ingredients.

  • Beany dip - Step 7

    Spoon the dip into a small bowl.

  • Beany dip - Step 8

    Cover the dip and place it in the fridge while you make the tortillas. ADULT SUPPORT.

  • Tortilla chips - Step 1

    Preheat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas mark 6. ADULT ONLY.

  • Tortilla chips - Step 2

    Grease the baking tray.

  • Bean tortilla step 3

    Tortilla chips - Step 3

    Using the kitchen scissors, cut each tortilla into halves, quarters and then eighths (so you get 8 pieces from each tortilla). ADULT SUPERVISION.

  • Tortilla chips - Step 4

    Place the tortilla pieces on the baking tray.

  • Bean tortilla step 5

    Tortilla chips - Step 5

    Brush each tortilla with a little oil.

  • Tortilla chips - Step 6

    Bake for approximately 5 minutes until toasted and golden. ADULT ONLY. 


1 clove
small lemon
1 small handful
fresh parsley leaves
1 x 400g can
cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
4 x 15ml spoons
sour cream
wholemeal tortillas
1 x 15ml spoon

Handy Hint(s)

Try using canned butter beans instead of cannellini beans.

Swap the parsley for another herb, such as dill.

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