Oven-baked frittata
- Age group:
- 9-10 years
- Food group:
- Meat, fish, eggs, beans
A frittata is cooked using an egg base similar to that of an omelette or quiche. Ingredients vary, but often feature meats, cheeses and vegetables. The frittata is an Italian dish. Its name comes from the word fritta, which means to fry.
This recipe is a tasty alternative to an omelette and is great for 9-10 year olds. They will develop cutting techniques, practise cracking eggs and then whisking them, learn to accurately pour liquid and grate. An adult will need to put the frittata in the oven, but the children will observe how this is done safely, with oven gloves.
This toolkit contains a recipe, along with ideas about how you could include it in your lesson. Take a look at the recipe below and refer to it alongside the teaching resources.
The cooking skills and recipes have been developed in collaboration with the British Nutritional Foundation.