Special savoury scones
- Age group:
- 8-9 years
- Food group:
- Milk and dairy foods
This is a great recipe to do with 8-9 year olds. They will hone skills such as pouring from a container with a spout with minimal support, measuring using a measuring jug, grating (with support from an adult) and cutting out with a shape cutter. They will also learn how to combine fat and flour to make breadcrumbs, which will be useful in lots of other recipes.
You can make the scones as suggested in the recipe or replace the cheese and herbs with currants, raisins or dates to make delicious sweet varieties.
This toolkit contains a recipe, along with ideas about how you could include it in your lesson. Take a look at the recipe below and refer to it alongside the teaching resources.
The cooking skills and recipes have been developed in collaboration with the British Nutritional Foundation.