What Do You Feed Your Wether Goat to Make Him Wider

The goats are classified as multi-purpose animals, which can feed us milk, wool, meat, etc. They are easy to maintain and can survive any climatic conditions.

Goat manure contains a rich source of potassium, nitrogen, and other minerals. Hence, these act as natural fertilizers for your plants and fields.

As these goats mainly depend on grasses and leaves, less money must be spent on maintenance. These goat farming businesses can be very profitable, yielding a high income for poor farmers.

In this article, we will look at what we need to fetch to make them grow healthier and wider.

Description of Wether Goat

Description of Wether Goat

Wether goat means male goats that are catered. These goats are catered to prevent unwanted breeding of goats and improve the meat’s quality. If you want your goat to work, this castration would be a great idea.

Mostly, there are chances that the goats will get injured during their breeding process. Hence, castrations can help to reduce or prevent these types of injuries. Moreover, the meats of the catered goats are more tender and have increased flavor compared to the normal ones.

Mostly, the goats are castrated at a young age of about 12 to 14 months to minimize the pain caused while doing the castration process.

Are you one who is looking for wether goats can grow wider across the shoulder? Then, this is the article where you can find the solution for that.

Several things can be done to increase the width of your wether goat. We will have a glance at them one by one in this blog.

Goats are one of the common livestock animals, and their overall meat production has been increasing throughout the year.

However, there is a certain limit to how much wider your goats can get by making them do custom measures like pastern trimming and dehorning, as we all know that the wider goats make more meat and require quality feed and huge space to gaze.

1. Feed Them at Regular Intervals

The wether goats should be given the proper and same amount of servings per day. The goats should be fed regularly and by splitting their food many times to ensure their intake is higher. When the goat’s intake is higher, they will be able to put on more weight gradually and grow wider in size.

2. Choose the Right Foods for Them

Feeding regularly does not mean we can offer them something to eat. We have to ensure that they consume the right amount of foods rich in supplements. The most suitable thing to feed your wether goat is with orchard grass or alfalfa grass. These grasses are great loose minerals for the wether goats.

They naturally prefer to eat shrubs, plants, and longer trees. Hence, offer them any available ones, but ensure they are clean without any dust in them. The right supplemented foods make them healthy, which can help the wether goats put on weight correctly.

3. Offer Energy-Rich Foods

These wether goats should be provided with more energy-rich foods. These energy-rich foods can be corn, oats, and other grains. These grains are the major sources of carbohydrates in goat’s food. As carbohydrates are rich in starch, they will help the wether goats to put on some weight. Remember that we should not provide too many grains as they lead to digestive issues.

4. Give Them an Appropriate Snack

Snacking is another easiest way to make the wether goats gather some weight. But if we offer them the appropriate snack, then they may be able to gain weight appropriately. As goats usually thrive on vegetarian foods, offering them carrots and apples is best. Fruits have a great amount of fiber in them, which helps them grow. We can also try snacking options like raisins for them.

5. Avoid Fatty Foods

We might think giving goats fatty foods will drastically increase their sizes and make them appear wider. But this is not true; fatty-rich foods only lead them to obesity, and they will never gain any improvement in their health. Rather, we can provide them with foods that are rich in proteins, like soybean or cotton seeds. These foods always aid in muscle development, and hence, they can gain weight. Provide them with some other foods that are rich in minerals and vitamins, too.

6. Give Plenty of Water

Water has no calories, but it helps to manage the body weight. Hence, providing the wether goats with water throughout the day can help them manage their body weight. It also helps to avoid the formation of urinary stones and other tract-related issues.

Interested in learning more? Check out our previous blog, where we’ve covered the intricacies of wether goat meaning in detail!


All in all, we can conclude that to make your wether goats bigger, you need to feed them at regular intervals. We should choose foods rich in minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Protein helps build the body, and carbohydrates provide them with great calories, which can help them in bodybuilding. Fatty foods will provide them with more fats, which makes them obese; thus, avoiding too much fatty foods is also necessary.

The other factors can include a clean and spacious environment, as it allows them to move freely and helps in stimulating the intake of appetite.

Brianna Scott

Brianna Scott holds a Ph.D. in animal behavior from Cornell University and has participated in various editorial teams since 2017. She brings over 15 years of field research experience, having worked with various wildlife organizations globally. Her passion for wildlife conservation is evident in her engaging and informative articles. She focuses on endangered species research. Apart from work, she enjoys birdwatching and volunteering at local animal shelters. She is also a great nature photographer, often incorporating her captivating wildlife photos into her articles.

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